Russell Krepart, Partner, Director of Design
M.Arch., BA, BSc, B.Env.D.
Russell Krepart fills the role of Director of Design at MMP Architects. He possesses 20+ years of professional experience, including having taught for 15 years at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Manitoba and has been the recipient of numerous professional and academic awards throughout his career. In addition to his professional experience, Russell is an avid member of the design community, including serving as an executive board member of StorefrontMB since 2012.
In his capacity as Director of Design, Russell manages the design phase of all major projects. Russell provides general design guidance to a team of architects, interns, designers, and technical specialists through each project phase. His role in this approach ensures the flexibility, communication, and support vital to each project and maintains a high level of design intention throughout all MMP projects.