Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre
Client: Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Size: 16,300sf
Stage: Construction Complete 2014
The Ma Mawi Wi Ichi Itata Centre is a community-mandated, Aboriginal directed and supported human service organization that delivers child care and community-based programs and services to Aboriginal families. Today, the centre’s eleven locations have over 50 programs and 200+ staff and volunteers.
MMP Architects served as the prime consultants for the second phase of the 445 King Street project, which originally housed an MPI assessment garage. The space renovations provided Ma Mawi with an additional 8,828 square feet of drop-in/program space. MMP added a mezzanine structure to allow for more office space, a large group space, and a round room to hold sharing circles, meetings and community functions. The additional space will allow the centre to continue to provide much-needed support services that promote longer–term stability to Aboriginal children, youth, individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in a culturally appropriate manner.